Be About Your Fathers Business

Imagine being invited to partner with the Creator of the Universe?

Oh My Goodness! Doesn’t that just blow your mind?

Well, it’s true.

God Almighty is inviting you to ‘be about your Father’s business’ like Jesus was.

It’s an invitation to ‘do what you see the Father doing’ and ‘say what you hear the Father saying’.

It’s mind-blowing.
And…it’s a little scary too, because you don’t quite know what He’s going to ask you to do, right?

As you watch or listen to today’s episode I share a real life example from my own life of what it can look like to follow His invitation and how you can get to the place where you say “yes Father”
(and see the amazing things He will do through it).

As Always,

Jesus Is Inviting You On An Adventure Today,

Will You Accept?

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Get the 3 part playbook
to know God’s purpose for
YOUR life

Download my FREE outline to discover practical

ways to fill your everyday life with the

presence and guidance of Jesus

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