Hey There

I'm Lisa

I’m a small town farm girl who grew up on one of the first organic fruit farms in South Africa (that must be why I’m quite addicted to smoothies to this day).

My #1 goal is to discover and live out all that God created me to be... by helping everyone else do the same.

I’m a woman, daughter, sister, wife, mom, Oumie (Afrikaans for Grandma), aunty and friend. Entrepreneur, teacher, coach and mentor – and I love being all of these things wrapped up into one human BEing.

As far back as I can remember,

I have loved transformation.

I can remember looking through magazines as a child and seeing the before and after pictures of women's faces, and noticing how hairstyling and make up

transformed what they look like.

It has always been a fascination of mine that you can take something ‘as is’, and, by simply applying practical wisdom, bring out all the beauty that lies within.
Be it a person, a home, a garden, a business, a relationship - anything is possible.

This was such a draw for me that I enrolled in Beauty College straight out of school.

I was going to be someone who could help anyone be the best version of themselves

One of my early memories of church is of a friend and I talking about the hair and make-up for an upcoming Fashion Show we were hosting to raise funds for a local charity.

I remember saying,

“make up has the potential to change the way someone looks and be so much better than normal”.

Out of a corner of the room I heard another friend of mine say, “it’s not supposed to change us, it’s supposed to enhance what’s already there” - Mic drop.

You know when you hear a piece of wisdom that has the ability to wipe away the lies you believe and give you pure Truth instead?

This was a moment like that for me.

It helped me to see that it’s not about change, it’s about acknowledging the innate value of what’s already there, and helping it to shine.

One Sunday morning our Pastor was preaching and he had a beautifully carved piece of glass in his hand.

At the end of his message I heard him say,

“where is Lisa?” Totally caught off guard, I walked to the front and he leaned down and said to me,

“God will use you to bring out the diamond in people”

and promptly placed the ‘diamond’ in my hands.

I have looked at that ‘diamond’ for many years and it has given me the courage to say “yes” to the journey of letting God walk me into what He has spoken over me all my life.

Many decades later I am even more fascinated with transformation than ever.

But now, instead of externally trying to look different, I know that the real gem is in acknowledging who God created us to BE, and letting that shine brightly for all the world to see.

One of my early memories of church is of a friend and I talking about the hair and make-up for an upcoming Fashion Show we were hosting to raise funds for a local charity.

I remember saying,

“make up has the potential to change the way someone looks and be so much better than normal”.

Out of a corner of the room I heard another friend of mine say, “it’s not supposed to change us, it’s supposed to enhance what’s already there” - Mic drop.

You know when you hear a piece of wisdom that has the ability to wipe away the lies you believe and give you pure Truth instead?

This was a moment like that for me.

It helped me to see that it’s not about change, it’s about acknowledging the innate value of what’s already there, and helping it to shine.

One Sunday morning our Pastor was preaching and he had a beautifully carved piece of glass in his hand.

At the end of his message I heard him say,

“where is Lisa?” Totally caught off guard, I walked to the front and he leaned down and said to me,

“God will use you to bring out the diamond in people”

and promptly placed the ‘diamond’ in my hands.

I have looked at that ‘diamond’ for many years and it has given me the courage to say “yes” to the journey of letting God walk me into what He has spoken over me all my life.

Many decades later I am even more fascinated with transformation than ever.

But now, instead of externally trying to look different, I know that the real gem is in acknowledging who God created us to BE, and letting that shine brightly for all the world to see.

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